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September 2023 Meeting: Board Games Night!


It was a soggy farewell to the church hall on Wednesday, and 11 brave souls made it to the meeting. As you will have seen, Danyel was ill and so the fermenting meeting is postponed - keep a look out for all that fizzy goodness to come! And get better Dee 🖤

Instead, we had a lovely quiet social event, as people had brought in games to play. Starting with a few different groups (and grown up snap is hard, when you don't have your glasses! or apparently the ability to recognise objects...), it then coalesced into one game of Cards Against Humanity, which was new to many of us. There was much inappropriate cackling, some new words were learned, and modesty forbids mention of the winner...

However, the undoubted highlight of the evening was the cheese - Tête de Moine - that Verene brought in together with its correct, medieval-instrument-of-torture-like hand-cranked device for the serving thereof.

The Committe's thanks go to St Luke's and Frederico for their help over the years, and now we look forward to starting in the Islington Radio Cafe in October where we will, doubtless, be enthralled by Alessandra Pino and her talk on her publication, a Gothic Cookbook!

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