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Past events

If you're wondering what we've been up to at Gothic Valley, see below and come along to the next fun-packed meeting!


July 2024 Meeting
GVWI Games Night!

Our July meeting greeted the warm weather with a games based social. Having marvelled at Nise's collections (in the UK and US) via photos, we settled down to some good old fashioned fun. Ruth brought "Renunciation" along, a sort of anti-Monopoly whereby you rid yourself of possessions and passions to achieve enlightenment, avoiding falls from grace and the dreaded loop of existential despair!

August, of course, does not have the usual meeting but we will be picnicking below Kenwood House as usual on the first Sunday of the month - weather permitting! Do please keep an eye out in case its decided to move the date.

June 2024 Meeting
Fermenting fun - kombucha making workshop


Summertime and the kombucha is fizzing. Yes, thanks to lovely member Danyel we learnt about (and tried) veggies in lacto-fermentation/brining (plus the strong recommendation not to overindulge when starting your fermentation journey), and then got to grips with making our very own kombucha with organic green tea bags and a starter supplied by Danyel.

We each had a Kilner jar in which we basically made a very strong cup of sweet tea. Then once this has cooled down and was diluted slightly, the starter was added. Danyel had given very comprehensive instructions (which will also be emailed) and we all staggered off into the night clutching our jars!

We await the results with anticipation!

Next month is a social - games ahoy!

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May 2024 Meeting
Gothic Valley World Goth Day Pub Quiz 

May saw the return of our internationally famous* pub  - or pub adjacent - quiz to celebrate World Goth Day. 🦇 


There was a small but enthusiastic turn out and in the end three teams competed for the Gloomy Spoon of Doom - oh, and also the prize for being first.  Questions were set by the marvellous Lisa with the round entitled "Goth or Broth" (ie band or soup) proving especially popular. 


Congratulations go to 'Nul Points" who disproved their name by coming first with "Beaucoup des Points",  "Pickle" picking up the Gloomy Spoon of Doom, and our thanks also go to "The Team with no Name".   


Raffle tickets were bought, jam supplies topped up, and we all admired the renovations in the Radio Cafe - plus there's an outside space now! 


Next month we will be back at the Radio Cafe and Kombucha-ing!  Keep an eye out for emails nearer the time confirming what you will need to bring 


* citation needed 

April 2024 Meeting
What do we talk about when we talk about vampires?

So, what do we talk about when we talk about vampires?  April saw the much anticipated talk by Sasha Garwood-Lloyd and it did not disappoint!  Taking us first swiftly through the literary history of vampires - at least in British terms - Sasha laid out clearly the infamous summer holiday in Villa Diodati and the Venn diagrams within, and brought us up to date with the various iterations of Interview with the Vampire via Carmilla and of course Dracula. 


The second part of her talk concentrated on the meaning of vampires - how they stand for the 'Other' in so many ways - sexual, familial, and the general "natural order of things", like aging.   


Sasha also introduced us to various titles that were mostly new to the group: 

- FLEDGLING by Octavia Butler 

- THE GILDA STORIES by Jewelle Gomez 

- the illustrated edition of SNOW GLASS APPLES (Neil Gaimen) by Colleen Doran, and 

- BLINDSIGHT by Peter Watts 


NB Sasha's podcast - UNSEX ME - is also worth looking out for 


The talk was, in the best possible way, quite intensive, and we have recorded this if you were unable to join or want to hear and see it again.  The subsequent chat went on for a good 90 minutes afterwards but was not recorded. 


All in all, a thoroughly good time was had, Teams seemed to behave itself, and we would like to extend our deepmost thanks to Sasha. 

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March 2024 Meeting
Screen Printing 

Our March Meeting was again held in the Function Room at the Archway Tavern and it proved to be a great space for the screen and block printing workshop - we pimped those pants and tarted up those T Shirts!  We welcomed Jo and Wendy as visitors and also had a good turn out from our own members.   


Fabric was supplied along with the screens, blocks (both wooden and foam), and paints, but I think the lingerie departments of various M&Ss saw a great uptick in sales!   President Sarah and our lovely Leila gave really good instructions and then let creativity commence.  Much amusement was had by all, and there were some great results, not just fabric, but little cardboard boxes and wrapping paper were very successfully printed. 


Next month we move back online for the long awaited talk about vampires by xxxx!  NB this will be on TEAMS and the link and info will be sent before the meeting (nearly put “meating” which is suitable for a vampire...)  


Thanks again to Sarah and Leila for all their hard work and see your virtually in April! 

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February 2024 Meeting
Speed Friending Soiree

For our February Meeting (relocated to the Function Room at the Archway Tavern for one night only), our lovely member Nat reprised her very successful Speed Friending Soiree as an antidote to Valentine, and we all had a wonderful time.   


Grouped in tables of 4, we first talked to the person opposite, then on a whistle, chatted to the person beside, before moving round to a new table and victims - I mean, members.  Nat had kindly supplied some 'Break the Ice' questions which proved to be enlightening, especially with those members you thought you knew well...   


Our thanks go to Verene for providing amazing cheese; Leila for the interesting Swedish sweets (salted liquorice, yum!), and of course to Nat for the idea and all the arranging. 


Next month : Pimp those Pants!  GVWI goes hands on.... 

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January 2024 Meeting
Bullet Journaling! 

We began 2024 with a lovely Zoom meeting on bullet journaling and it was well attended, including Catherine from Australia, and Leila from Sweden, and we must welcome Jess as a new member 


Nikki Bartlett from Cam City WI gave us a wonderful insight in to how she found it useful as well as tips and techniques.  Members had received some bits and pieces of stationery and the like, so were able to practise Nikki's suggestions during the meeting.  It was also interesting how some members said: oh, this element is perfect for me even if I don't use the others.  We have recorded the meeting and hope to get the slides as well to help jog memories 


Next month is back face to face at the Islington Radio Cafe and we will be speed friending 

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