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April 2023 Meeting: Stone Painting!


So, 2023 is turning into another 'interesting' year and we are having to rearrange some meetings because of outside forces (tube strikes, pubs who want to charge us stupid amounts of money, etc.). Our April meeting was a case in point, with Sasha Garwood having to cancel her much anticipated online talk on vampires due to a family emergency. Our best wishes go to her and her family, and we hope to reschedule the talk to later in the year.

Fortunately for us our usual venue was still available that evening and, in true WI style, Lisa stepped up with an excellent meeting suggestion and we had a really enjoyable time painting stones. It was the perfect activity for the nervously creative, as you really can't go wrong with a fabulous mass of paint pens and some rocks! The variety of work produced was wonderful and everyone had a great time. It's another activity where everyone immediately wanted to repeat it at another meeting, so we'll look at scheduling in something similar in 2024.

Thank you very much to Lisa for stepping in so quickly! And I know (because she stayed with me overnight) that she hugely enjoyed hosting the session too.

Our May 17th meeting is our ever popular GVWI pub quiz - this is not happening in a pub this year (may I refer you to 'interesting' above!) but in the church hall. There will be a sales table of unwanted jewellery and the usual raffle. All are welcome - bring friends, bring family, bring work colleagues, bring your own drinks and snacks, bring money! but above all have fun

Yours in Gothness!

Sarah Roberts

President, Gothic Valley WI

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